All Posts by Mark Morgan

About the Author

Mark Morgan was born in Australia and has been deeply involved in religion all of his life, working as a lay preacher, Sunday School teacher and missionary – trying to balance the many demands of spiritual life with those of family and paid employment, first as an engineer and later as a software developer. Happily married and blessed with eight children, he has spent many years reading the Bible and learning to teach its lessons. Writing Bible-based novels now fills much of his time.

Apr 20

King Jehoiakim’s death – how did it happen?

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

How did he die?:

Jehoiakim’s death

As the end of the kingdom of Judah drew near, the empire of Babylon became an increasingly dangerous threat to Judah and the surrounding kingdoms.  Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, had agreed to serve Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, in the fourth year of his reign.[1]  However, after three years, he rebelled, probably believing that Nebuchadnezzar would be too busy with various rebellions that were occurring in areas much closer to Babylon.  For quite a while it appeared that he was right, but after about four years the army of Babylon returned.  Shortly afterwards, Jehoiakim was dead and his son Jeconiah (also known as Jehoiachin) had become king.Continue reading

Apr 06

Family friendships

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

Family friendships:

Family friendships

Personal friendships are a wonderful part of life, and faithful friendships help us enormously.  Family friendships, when members of one family are consistently friendly to another family, can help even more.

During the reigns of King Josiah and his sons, various members of two families are presented in the books of 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Jeremiah and Ezekiel with enough hints at connections to suggest that the families got on well together.

So who are these families?Continue reading

Mar 15


By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

Sieges: Nebuchadnezzar attacked Jerusalem ( / Sweet Publishing Slide 6)

Sieges in Bible times

Nations come and nations go.  Empires rise and empires fall.  Cities blossom and flourish, then moulder into dust.

When a nation has a leader with grand ideas and a strong desire for power, its neighbours must pay heed to their defences.  Armies swell and walls are built or strengthened to protect important cities.  Watchers are placed at borders and leaders must decide what defensive action is best.Continue reading

Feb 23

God’s cup of anger

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

Cup of anger: “Cup” by Firkin on OpenClipArt (

God’s cup of anger

Many prophets of God saw unusual sights and strange visions.  At times, it is hard to tell whether what they were seeing was real, a vision or a dream.  In Jeremiah 25:15-38, God gave Jeremiah a cup – God’s cup of anger – to take to many different nations.  Verse 18 talks of those nations being ruined “as at this day”, which suggests that this part of the text was written some time after the prophecy was fulfilled.Continue reading

Jan 23

Languages around Israel

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

Languages around Israel:

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was trying to build an empire by picking off one enemy nation at a time.  The nations around Israel knew this and were doing their best to form a coalition and fight King Nebuchadnezzar together.  They sent envoys to Jerusalem for an international conference to arrange joint resistance. Of course, communication requires shared language and there were many different languages around Israel.

Sometimes, however, actions can communicate when language cannot, and while the envoys were there, God told Jeremiah to make a yoke and wear it – acting out a symbol of servitude for the foreign kings whose envoys had gone to Jerusalem (Jeremiah 27:1-11).
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Dec 21

The stocks in the Bible

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

The stocks:


Comfort is important to us.  To get comfortable, we will often be willing to spend a lot of money or work very hard – maybe even change our job or move to a different house, town or country. Some prophets, however, could not avoid the stocks in the Bible: it was all part of doing their job.

We do our best to avoid discomfort and expect others to do the same, so when we look at the lives of prophets in the Bible, the difference stands out.Continue reading

Dec 08

Priest or prophet?

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

Prophet or priest:

Jeremiah: priest or prophet?

Have you ever wondered what a prophet of God did when he wasn’t prophesying?

Of the people who we know as prophets, many seem to have been used by God on only a few occasions.  For example, Abraham, Oded (2 Chronicles 28:9), Uriah (Jeremiah 26:20) and various other prophets who aren’t even named.Continue reading

Nov 27

Silence – things missing from Jeremiah

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah


Sometimes when we have a pet theory – but little evidence! – we use arguments from silence.  For example, we might argue that since something has not been reported as happening, this is proof that it never happened.  Of course, it’s not proof at all, because history doesn’t report most things that happen. Arguments from silence don’t prove anything, however it is valuable at times to observe things about which the Bible is silent and ponder what the reasons for the silence might be.  Let’s look at things missing from Jeremiah – events or facts which the book of Jeremiah does not mention.Continue reading

Nov 10

Marriage in the Bible

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah



In the times of Jeremiah, God often used the picture of unfaithfulness in marriage, and even divorce, to show how terrible the behaviour of Israel and Judah was when they worshipped other gods.  This lesson has now lost its power in many countries of the world because unfaithfulness and adultery are not viewed as seriously as God views them.Continue reading

Oct 26

Anointing Bible Kings

By Mark Morgan | David , Jeremiah

Anointing Bible kings:

Appointing kings

Many countries that have kings or queens, and even those with prime ministers or presidents, have ornate ceremonies for appointing a new person to the position.  The rules for choosing who the new leader will be and the associated rituals are considered important and followed carefully. The same was true for anointing Bible kings.Continue reading

Oct 13

Did King Josiah make a difference?

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah

Josiah tore down idols in Israel

Or “Was Josiah a success?”

We all like to think that we have made a difference in the world.  King Josiah was a righteous king, but did he make a difference in his kingdom?  Was Josiah a success?

King Josiah

King Josiah reigned near the end of the kingdom of Judah, about 600 years before Jesus Christ was born.  He is described in 2 Kings 23:25:

“Before him there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses, nor did any like him arise after him.”Continue reading