Category Archives for "Timelines"

Jun 21

Kings in the time of Daniel

By Mark Morgan | Daniel , Jeremiah , Timelines

While writing a story about Daniel over the last five years, I knew that I would finally get to the stage where I needed to make decisions about the later kings of Babylon in the time of Daniel.  The history in the early parts of Daniel’s life is fairly much agreed upon and fits well with the Bible.  However, the agreement fades away as we consider the following fifty years of history.  After a lot of study of the Bible’s records – which I consider to be the inspired word of God – I cannot embrace the generally-accepted lists of kings of Babylon, Media and Persia during the sixth century BC (eg. List of Kings of Babylon (Wikipedia) or List of Kings of Babylon (Jatland).

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May 26

Timeline of the prophet Daniel’s life

By Mark Morgan | Daniel , Timelines

Briton Riviere (1890) - Daniel's Answer to the King

Daniel was an extremely godly man, presented by Ezekiel the prophet as an example of righteousness along with Noah and Job (Ezekiel 14:14, 20).  Angels also say that he is “greatly loved” (Daniel 9:23; 10:11, 19).  In short, Daniel is a wonderful character and reading his life’s story in the Bible is very valuable.


This timeline of the prophet Daniel’s life is a rough overview because most of the events cannot be located exactly in his life.  Some can be located in history, but we are not told Daniel’s age at any time.
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Apr 17

Timeline of Jehoshaphat’s life

By Admin | Jehoshaphat , Timelines

Timeline of Jehoshaphat's life:

For those who don’t know, Jehoshaphat was the fourth king of Judah after the kingdom of Israel split in two – Israel and Judah – following the death of King Solomon.  Jehoshaphat was a righteous and faithful king who would be high on the list of the best kings of Judah – although he had a problem with being too tolerant of evil people. Here, we provide a timeline of Jehoshaphat’s life. Continue reading

Mar 16

The birth of Jacob’s sons

By Admin | Joseph , Timelines

Birth of Jacob's sons:

Some people have no children at all, while others have many children. However many we have, though, we are used to the fact that it normally takes about 9 months of pregnancy for each child. So what happened with the birth of Jacob’s sons?

At first glance, we could think that this 9 month limit wasn’t true in the family of Jacob, the son of Isaac! However, his was no ordinary family, thanks to the trickery of Laban, his father-in-law.  This post looks at Jacob’s speedy transformation from having neither wife nor child to having 4 wives and 11 sons. Continue reading

Dec 12

Timeline of the prophet Jeremiah’s life

By Mark Morgan | Jeremiah , Timelines

Jeremiah timeline and family trees: Jeremiah in the cistern

One of the most popular posts on the Bible Tales website is “Joseph: Timeline and family tree”, which presents a timeline of Joseph’s life, prepared as part of my research for the novel “Joseph, Rachel’s son”. Since it has been so popular, I decided to create a similar timeline of the prophet Jeremiah’s life.

This sounds  easy, but so many things about Jeremiah we don’t know – at least, not exactly. Continue reading

Nov 08

Joseph’s timeline and family tree

By Mark Morgan | Family trees , Joseph , Timelines

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and then Joseph: here are Joseph’s timeline and family tree in multiple languages.

Joseph’s life – timeline

Joseph lived for 110 years – which seems like a long time to us, but was significantly shorter than the lives of his ancestors, including his father Jacob, who died at the age of 147.

Only a small part – just 11 years – of Joseph’s life was spent in the land of Canaan. About 93 years were spent in Egypt.Continue reading

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