Category Archives for "David"

Jan 23

David – a shepherd

By Mark Morgan | David , Miscellaneous


What is God like? Do you know how he thinks or what his character is like?

When we are looking for friends, we want them to have characteristics we appreciate or admire – often ones that will match or complement our own.

God does the same.

When God rejected Saul as king over Israel, he told him that he had found a man after his own heart to be the next king.[1] This man was David, the son of Jesse[2] from Bethlehem, who became famous when he used a sling to kill Goliath the giant.

The expression, “a man after his own heart”, reveals a kinship of thought and fellowship of mind between God and David.

For me, it prompts the question: what was it about David that God liked?

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1 1 Samuel 13:14
2 Acts 13:22
Nov 05

King David’s Family Tree

By Admin | David , Family trees

King David's family tree:

King David’s Family Tree

If you look far enough up King David’s family tree (ten generations), you will see that he came from the tribe of Judah.  And as we look through his family tree, we see that some of his relatives are still very well known, even 3,000 years later.  Some of his famous relatives include: Continue reading

Oct 19

Moving the Ark of the Covenant

By Admin | David , Miscellaneous

Moving the Ark of the Covenant:

The Ark of the Covenant was a gold-plated wooden box that God told Moses to make in the wilderness. On top was a lid with two cherubim facing each other and made of pure gold.  Two tables of stone sat inside the box, with God’s law written on them.  The ark represented the presence of God and was a place where God met with his people. As the most holy of the articles of worship, it sat in the innermost room of the tabernacle.  However, the Israelites packed up the entire tabernacle – including the Ark of the Covenant – when they travelled in the wilderness.  God gave special rules about moving the Ark of the Covenant – they had to be very careful. Continue reading

Oct 13

Obed-edom the Gittite

By Admin | David , Miscellaneous

Obededom the Gittite:

King David wanted the Ark of the Covenant of God near him, so he arranged to bring it into Jerusalem on a cart as part of a huge celebration. However, the oxen pulling the cart stumbled and the ark wobbled. Tragically, a man called Uzzah who was driving the cart put out his hand to steady it and was struck dead by God.

David cancelled the celebration and moved the ark into the nearby house of a man called Obed-edom. This event is the subject of a micro-tale found in Fiction Favours the Fact – Book 3.

Since I wrote that story, several people have asked me questions about this man, Obed-edom.

These questions have revolved around who Obed-edom was, his nationality and possible genealogy. The reasoning behind the questions seems to be that David would not be likely to put the Ark of the Covenant in the care of a man who was not even an Israelite. As an intriguing follow-up to this idea, a search of the Bible shows that the name Obed-edom is not unique, but we’ll get to that later. Continue reading

Aug 22

David’s legacy

By Admin | David , Miscellaneous

David's Legacy:

Yesterday morning our family read 1 Kings 1, a chapter that tells about the end of the reign of David, the great king of Israel.  At the age of 70, David was a sad shell of the mighty man that he had been.  He was reduced to needing a nurse to lie in bed with him to keep him warm, and his control of the kingdom of Israel was slipping away. Yet David’s effect on the kingdom was to continue for many generations after his death. So what was David’s legacy and what can we learn from it?Continue reading

Oct 26

Anointing Bible Kings

By Mark Morgan | David , Jeremiah

Anointing Bible kings:

Appointing kings

Many countries that have kings or queens, and even those with prime ministers or presidents, have ornate ceremonies for appointing a new person to the position.  The rules for choosing who the new leader will be and the associated rituals are considered important and followed carefully. The same was true for anointing Bible kings.Continue reading